Monday, July 18, 2011

Deface the Currency

I once made the disingenuous claim that "I am honestly endeavoring to do what is right." Now I'm trying to live up to it. This is a personal blog about the author's character, ethics, and political musings. There will be navel gazing.

Both the blog and the author are works in progress. This is not a claim of moral immunity, but a request for criticism. You do not owe me criticism, and I ask it only of those who want to give it. I will make my best effort to consider all good-faith criticism. When criticizing my choices, actions, and arguments, please feel free to be as harsh as you believe necessary. Please keep in mind that this blog will address the question "what about the menz?" Or, rather, what about the man, insofar as I remain one despite my ongoing attempts to renounce masculinity.

However, I ask that, if you choose to criticize my writing, by which I mean my words, punctuation, cadence, et cetera, that you be more gentle in this regard. I know my writing is terrible, but I don't think it is a deeply important matter. Clarity and style are important, but not in the same way as politics and morality.

The opportunity for criticism is one of the reasons this is a public blog and not a private journal. Other reasons for this decision include the sense of obligation in keeping a blog active, and an attempt at some sorely wanted human interaction. By making this blog public, I am not asking people to read it, but merely inviting them to do so.

The name of this blog, Deface the Currency, is taken from the stories surrounding Diogenes the Cynic, a classical Greek philosopher. I by no means consider Diogenes to be a perfect moral exemplar, but in the future I intend to explain what his example means to me. This title was chosen in preference to a more topical one because this blog was originally created for a different, but related, purpose.

1 comment:

  1. It's always refreshing to find a blogger who's open to both Dworkin's work and trans* issues. I've subscribed and will be reading, even if I'm not much for commenting at most blogs. Good luck with your work here!
